Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Ingenuity Festival is a celebration of art and technology. What I know about the Ingenuity Festival is that you are showing your talents in art and technology. Also, where two worlds don't meet can connect. Some things I want to know about the Ingenuity Festival are how can so many talented people do such incredible, unbelievable, things with such smart brains. Ingenuity helps our city  by allowing people to be their self and showing people their real true talents. The way our school fits into the Ingenuity Festival is because we know how to think outside the box; we are creative thinkers. We need to have a great design and work together and put all our brains together to make a great project. The most exciting part about building a stage and a seating is that we are having fun while making it. I am feeling good about this project. The way I see myself overcoming these obstacles is by staying focused and keeping myself and my peers on task.

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