Wednesday, December 16, 2015

                                                                                            Daveona's Reflection On Poetry:

     My reflection on poetry is that it is great. Poetry is great because you can really expressed yourself and be very creative with it. Making a poem is really fun, very interesting to do and not that hard to make. All you gotta do is put your mind to it, express yourself and feelings, and so your creativity. My sisters and My English teachers I had this school year and last school year inspired me into making poems. My 9th grade English teacher, Mr. Gill made me think about something I can write about in my poems, that I never really paid attention to for writing my poem. The subject I chose on writing my poem is my sisters. I wrote a poem about my sisters is because I wanted to expressed my feelings on how I really feel about my sisters and the bond that we have that no one can ever break.This is why I feel that poetry is great.